Saturday, February 27, 2010

Postcards from the Edge: Noah's Recent Expeditions in the Sea to Sky and Beyond

The saga continues with expeditions to where the bad kids hang out, the Mountain FM radio tower to "get stoked for catching air and getting rad," and to Ted Nugent's house to look into a career in taxidermy. Plus some new discoveries closer to home.

First session at the skatepark. Tony Hawk. The graffiti is the best Squamish has to offer.

I took this with an iPhone that I found on the side of a trail, under some leaves near a large puddle. After much patience and very small screwdrivers, I got it working. It turns out it had been there for 12 days and Kate knew the owner's sister. In order to bank a few karma points, I ended up giving it back, which was, I will admit, not my first intention. Nor was it to place so many commas in that sentence.

After an exhausting hike up the bike trail Mountain of Phlegm, Noah scopes his line for the upcoming B.V.O.D race and wonders if there is any more cheese and crackers.

Nice views from the FM tower at the high point in Smoke Bluffs Park.

Noah got his first 5-point Whitetail mounted the other day. He is excited to hang it in his, soon to be open to the public, Hall of Dismembered Heads and Other Body Parts exhibition he's been working on in the basement.

This looks like a commercial for All-Bran Strawberry Bites. They are delicious and nutritious. And they make you poop.

This one's for the ladies.

As soon as I finish pounding this protein shake I'm gonna go do some more reps on the bench press, maybe some free weights. Tomorrow I'll work on my lats.

A cold Kootenay on the deck after a warm Sunday afternoon. What could be better? Maybe two more?

Our new house from the top of Penny Lane (climb) on a rainy day in January. It's the white one backing onto the trees, middle of the photo.

It's official, Kate is now Canadian enough to join the army. The entire country is richer for having her among us. Kate tells me the ceremony was great, but Noah got us kicked out before it even started.

It wasn't me...

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